On May 23rd-25th 2022, our very own Mark Meschino and Nadjib Rahal attended Distributech in Dallas, Texas. As a platform for Electricity transmission organizations and their end-users, Distributech brings industry leaders from all over the globe, providing exhibitors and guests with the opportunity to network, exchange industry insights, and discuss relevant topics as they pertain to the utility industry.

As you may already know, the energy sector has and continues to play a critical role in our lives and is constantly evolving, as government leaders and environmentalists identify ways to preserve the planet and provide greener, more environmentally sustainable energy. The following article highlights these evolving trends in the energy sector and provides you with an overview of how we at Sustema also practice more socially responsible manufacturing processes. We believe that it is all of our responsibilities to put forth our best business practices to ensure a healthier environment for generations to come.
These days, almost everyone agrees with the fact that in order to minimize the environmental damage we are causing to the earth's environment, we have to switch from the usage of fossil fuels. This reality has prompted led to significant scientific and business innovations that have assisted humanity in looking for improved, more sustainable ways of powering the planet.

Green Hydrogen Energy
Hydrogen as we’ve come to realize is the vastest resource on our planet and produces nearly zero greenhouse gas emissions when burnt. These two qualities; the abundance and zero greenhouse gas emissions make hydrogen a very intriguing source of energy from an environmental perspective. Conventionally, however, it has been difficult to convert hydrogen into fuel because the process itself involves the consumption of fossil fuels and the production of CO2 emissions. Some examples are brown hydrogen which is derived from coal and grey hydrogen which is derived from natural gas.
Green carbon, on the other hand, is produced by a process that involves water and electrolysis, which in turn produces the necessary electricity from renewable sources such as solar and wind, essentially making the latter option carbon-free.

In recent years, we have seen a strong trend toward trying to unlock the potential of biomass as a source of energy for human society. To produce more efficient fuel from biological matter (such as wood, sugarcane, or even waste materials), chemical, and biological processes are used. For example, fermentation is used to produce bioethanol and biodiesel.
The Internet of Energy
Energy generation and distribution are one of the areas of the internet of things (IoT). It is closely linked with the idea of energy decentralization - a move towards a more sustainable power infrastructure where energy is used close to the time and place when it is created.
We all have a responsibility to ensure we encourage the use of clean and sustainable energy. We are aware of this issue as a company and are committed to doing so all while protecting the environment, conserving natural resources, and reducing emissions. Sustema has incorporated environmental protection and energy efficiency measures into our business practices, some even exceeding regulatory guidelines. To that effect, we are committed to designing and manufacturing products that go beyond compliance with environmental and energy regulations including:
Use low emitting raw materials
Water-based adhesive
Use non-VOC emitting finishes
Pursue prevention of pollution and elimination of waste of any kind Implement technologies to efficiently use energy resources
Recycle electronics, lamps, batteries, and waste
Use less paper or use recycled paper
Use non-toxic cleaning material
In keeping with these objectives, we have asked our suppliers as well to participate and have asked them to launch initiatives that set significant sustainability targets for the years to come.