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7 Tips for Revitalizing Your Workspace as a Control Room Operator

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

Here are a few tips on how to revitalize your workspace as a control room operator!

As someone who spends long hours working at a control console, it's important to have a comfortable and functional workspace that supports your productivity and well-being. By rejuvenating your workspace, you can enjoy the benefits of increased productivity and improved physical and mental well-being. In this article, we'll be sharing some tips and ideas on how to make your workspace a more comfortable and efficient place to work.

Accessorize your workspace

There are a variety of accessories that can help to make your workspace more comfortable and efficient. One such accessory is a PES or Personal Environmental System. A PES is a personal system that allows for optimum operator comfort by providing easy-to-use fingertip controls for adjusting the temperature and airflow around your workstation. With a PES, you can adjust the intensity and temperature of heaters mounted at the lower base of the console directly from the touchpad interface. The speed of fans, which are integrated directly into the console surface to reduce clutter, can also be controlled by the touchpad. In addition, the PES 360 offers dimming functionality for your task light, which can be attached to monitor arms, on the console surface, or on a rail mounting. This allows you to better adapt your lighting to your environment. An integrated occupancy sensor even shuts the system down when the console is not in use, saving energy. All these features work together to improve your comfort and focus while working at a control console, leading to increased productivity and well-being.

Find the perfect chair... for you!

An ergonomic chair must allow the user to change postures in order to maintain comfort and productivity. There are several key postures to consider, including reclined sitting, upright sitting, and declined sitting. In reclined sitting, the user's torso and neck recline between 105 and 120 degrees to the horizontal. This posture can help to reduce pressure on the spine and reduce fatigue, making it ideal for use during prolonged periods of sitting. When sitting upright, the user's torso and neck are approximately vertical and in line (between 90 and 105 degrees to the horizontal), the thighs are approximately horizontal, and the lower legs are vertical. This is the most common sitting posture and is important for maintaining proper posture and reducing strain on the neck and back. When sitting reclined, the user's thighs are inclined below the horizontal, the torso is vertical or slightly reclined behind the vertical, and the angle between the thighs and the torso is greater than 90 degrees.

Users require frequent movement and postural changes to achieve and maintain comfort and productivity. The four reference postures described above are intended to illustrate the diversity of body positions observed at computer workstations. However, it's important to note that actual postures may vary, and not all postures are equally comfortable or productive. It's crucial for an ergonomic chair to allow for easy adjustment into a variety of postures in order to support the user's comfort and well-being.

A good chair for a control room should have several key characteristics to support the user's comfort and productivity. Firstly, it should have a lumbar support to help maintain proper spinal alignment and reduce strain on the lower back. It should also have a backrest that reclines, allowing the user to adjust their posture as needed. The seat pan should be adjustable for both height and tilt, allowing the user to find a comfortable and supportive position. Additionally, the chair should support at least one other of the seated reference postures in addition to upright sitting and provide support to the user's back and thighs in the chosen reference postures. When selecting a chair for a control room, it's important for the system integrator to verify that it can be adjusted to provide clearance under the work surface and to provide information to the user on its recommended use and adjustment.

The sit-standing concept

Some users may prefer to stand while working at their control console, and it's important to support this choice. Standing for long periods of time can be tiring, and it's important to ensure that blood does not pool in the legs. To help address this issue, it can be helpful to install anti-fatigue mats. These mats are designed to help distribute the weight of the body from the feet to the floor, providing a more comfortable and supportive surface to stand on. This can help to reduce fatigue and improve comfort, particularly for those who spend long hours standing at their workstations.

Light it up

Workplace illumination is an important factor in maintaining the productivity and comfort of employees. Proper lighting levels should be sufficient for the tasks being performed and should generally fall between 200 and 500 lux on the work surface for light-emitting displays. In some cases, such as when reading blueprints, higher levels of illuminance may be necessary to ensure comfortable viewing. In these situations, a task light can be used to provide additional lighting without causing glare on computer displays. It is also important to consider the age of the workers, as older individuals may require higher levels of illuminance to read comfortably. Unwanted light can be controlled using window shades, glare screens, and proper positioning of light sources.

Clutter-free workspace means a clutter-free headspace

If you're looking to reduce clutter and keep your cords organized, we recommend using power bars and cable management solutions. One effective way to manage cables is to run them through a slat wall or separate raceways. Another option is to use cable chains like the ones found in our Transit Series S console. It's important to think of cable management not as an obstacle, but as an asset. It can help improve the overall appearance and functionality of your space. So, don't hesitate to invest in some cable management solutions to keep your cords organized and reduce clutter.

Bring in some life with indoor plants to your workstation

Dr. Chris Knight from Exeter University has stated that offices without any personal items or distractions, such as pictures or souvenirs, are "the most toxic space" for humans. In contrast, adding household plants to the workplace has been shown to improve employee performance. A small study by the Agricultural University of Norway found that introducing plants to an office was linked to a 25% decrease in symptoms of ill health, including fatigue, concentration problems, dry skin, and irritation of the nose and eyes. In addition to improving air quality, plants also can reduce noise levels by absorbing sounds rather than insulating against noise pollution. Research has shown that placing larger plant pots in multiple locations around the edges and corners of a room can have a significant positive impact on reducing background office chatter.

Take care of your work plants and they’ll take care of you

When taking care of plants in the workplace, it is important to consider the following factors: light, temperature, humidity, airflow and dust, water, and fertilizer. Light requirements vary among plants, with some needing bright indirect light and others tolerating low-light conditions. It is also important to consider the temperature fluctuations in the office, as well as the location of the plant in relation to heat and cooling registers. Plants that originate in tropical regions may require higher humidity levels, which can be achieved using a humidifier or placing the plant in a desktop terrarium. Dust accumulation on plant leaves can interfere with their ability to photosynthesize, so it is important to regularly wipe off the leaves. Proper watering and fertilization are also crucial for the health of the plant. Using a wooden skewer to check the soil moisture and choosing the appropriate type of fertilizer can help ensure that the plant is getting the nutrients it needs.

In conclusion, revitalizing your workspace as a control console operator is crucial for maintaining comfort, productivity, and well-being. By accessorizing your workspace with a PES and an ergonomic chair, and by using an anti-fatigue mat and proper lighting, you can create a more comfortable and efficient work environment. Cable management solutions, such as power bars and slat walls, can help reduce clutter and improve the overall appearance of your space. Finally, incorporating plants into your workspace can improve air quality and reduce noise levels. By taking the time to assess and improve your workspace, you can increase your efficiency and enjoyment of your job.


  • Christansen, Marla. "16 Low-Maintenance Houseplants Most Likely to Survive All Year Long." RealSimple, Accessed 6 January, 2023, URL.

  • Malik, Shiv. "Plants in offices increase happiness and productivity." The Guardian, Accessed 6 January, 2023, URL.


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